Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Sometimes we screw up...

The other day I did something stupid... I spoke without thinking. Actually I wrote without thinking. I was writing an email and, without thinking my thoughts through first, I just wrote what I was thinking.

Turns out what I wrote was misinterpreted and I ended up sounding bad. What I wanted to say and what actually was heard were two different things. All because I didn't take the time to think it out before writing first. When I realized how my message was mis-read I felt stupid and embarassed. Then I realized, it's ok.

This wasn't the first mistake I've made in my life, it wasn't even the first I made today, but that's ok. See we learn by the mistakes we make (or at least we're supposed to). I've learned that it isn't in doing things perfectly that we learn or grow. We don't benefit much at all from doing things perfectly (although it feels good on the ego). We learn and grow as people by screwing up and learning from our mistakes.

So the next time you make a mistake, the next time you feel silly for something you've said or done, don't dwell on the mistake. Instead, work on fixing any hurt you've caused and then see what you can learn from your mistake. You'll be a better person for it.


kamarmac said...

Hi Mark Black!

Do you ever think about how small the world is? This Karen MacDonald from MTA, remember me? I just went on the MTA website for the first time in ages and saw your name there and wondered how you were doing, and here I am!!! Excited to have found you!

So you jumped on the blog We need to catch up...

MarkBlack-Motivational Speaker said...

Hi Karen! It's so cool that you found me this way! I just started this Blog a few days ago too. What are the odds? Pop me an email so we can get back in touch!

Talk to you soon.