Thursday, April 26, 2007

Leo Hayes Lions

Leo Hayes Lions

I had a great day today speaking in Fredericton, NB at Leo Hayes High School. LHHS is a new high school in Fredericton with about 1600 students, and they were totally awesome! Their energy was fantastic.
I got a great message from one of the students at Leo Hayes this afternoon. She told me about how much my message had touched her. What she doesn't know is how much her message touched me. It's messages like hers that make me remember how lucky I am to be doing what I'm doing.
Speaking to students and other people about their potential and their dreams is my dream, and now I get to live it.
Here's the deal:
A lot of people never live their dreams. They think it's because that's just the way the world works, but their wrong. Lots of us are out there living our dreams, and all you really have to do is believe. If you believe it's possible, believe you can do it, then you can.
So go out there and live your dreams.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mark,

I'm from Leo Hayes.. Your presentation was amazing. I could relate to some of the things that you have said in it about not living your dreams and believing that you can't do something. Thank you for giving us your time and inspiring us! I was born with a hole in my heart, but luckily it grew over, but someone that i've known since I started elementary school is in a wheel chair and always needs open heart surgery. You are very lucky to live the life you do. Again Thanks

Anonymous said...

Hey Mark!!

I just wanted to thank you for coming to Leo Hayes!!! I have been surrounded by stress lately and the speech you gave really helped me to decide to live EACH day. Again thanks so much!!!!

MarkBlack-Motivational Speaker said...

Hey Leo Hayes Lions!

I've been watching the news and seeing that you guys have had a lot of "issues" there lately. I want to say to all of you who are NOT involved in these horrible actions: stay strong and commit yourself to making sure that a few people with twisted ideas of what's important, don't dictate what happens at your school. There is great strength in numbers and as a whole, you determinate what happens at your school.

If you see someone bullying someone else, vandalizing property or making threats, take a stand. Have the courage to take action. It is not the bad people of the world that make bad things happen, it's all of us good people, who don't have the courage to take action and speak out, that allow bad things to happen!

I know that you are a great school. I saw it in your faces and in the conversations I got have with some of you. Don't let anyone (the people making poor decisions, the media, or anyon else) tell you that you aren't a good school. You are. But it's your job, as the student leaders of Leo Hayes, to go out there and show people what your school is all about.

Good luck, stay strong, have faith.

I believe in you.
