Friday, July 24, 2009

The Amazing Power of Team Work

If anyone out there doubts the power of team work, let me say that this week I learned, with a dedicated team, you can do anything.

I'll be the first to tell anyone that I think any individual with enough dedication, commitment and vision, can accomplish anything. This blog post doesn't discount that fact. I still believe it to the core of my being. What I learned this week, is that while anyone can do anything any team can do that thing even faster!

This week I asked several colleagues and friends to help me promote my book: "Live Life from the Heart: 52 Weeks to a Life of Passion and Purpose" (get it here). They each agreed to send out a promo for my book to their email lists in exchange for some free promo from me. It was great. It cost none of us money and everyone benefited. Win-Win, the only way to do business.

The coolest thing about it though was to watch the power of a team. While I was able to promote my book to about 400 people with the use of my contacts. But, by partnering with just 8 other colleagues, I was able to take that number from 400 to nearly 10,000! That's a better than 2000% increase! Not bad.

So, the next time you're working on a project, whether at work or at home, consider how you can best employ the power of a team to get it done. Note, you have to be willing to swallow some of your pride and relinquish some control in order to make it work, but the results are well worth it!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

Book Launch Under Way. You can Participate!

Well the book was re-launched today and so far, things are going well. Now, YOU can be a part of it. The book re-launch is really catching fire and we're now shooting to see if we can get it to #1 on Amazon, and with your help, we can do it.

If you would like to be a part of this and play your part in getting "Live Life from the Heart" to #1 to Amazon, all you have to do is go to: You can also forward that link to as many friends as you like.

IF you buy the book through this link, you'll get OVER $1000 worth of GREAT BONUSES. So it's the best time to get the book because you'll get a ton of great stuff with it.

So go to: and share it with your friends. I'll keep you posted on how far we get!


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

REST - Even God Needed It...

We're now officially into the thick of summer. How is yours going so far? If you live on the east coast like I do, it probably hasn't felt much like summer so far weather wise, but I'm still doing my best to get into the summer spirit. What's that? Resting, relaxing, and enjoying quiet time.

We live in world that tells us that more, bigger, faster is always best. We learn from a young age that he or she who gets the most done in the least amount of time is king or queen. As young people, many of us are thrown into music lessons, sports teams, summer camps and a variety of other activities, willingly or not so willingly, with the theory that, "if they're busy, they'll stay out of trouble". Then, as we grow older, we begin to see our "busy-ness" as a badge of honour. He or she with the fullest calendar is best. But what about rest? Where does that fit in.

Genesis says, on the 7th day, God rested. Even the creator of the universe needed a break from work. Why is it then that for many of us, our "rest" consists of a week or two once a year where, in many cases, they are more busy than the other fifty weeks of the year.

And what does all of the striving and the packed calendars get us? Heart attacks, an obesity epidemic, great numbers of us on anti-depressants, anti-anxiety meds and a divorce rate topping 50%.

SO, if what we're doing isn't working, what will? R.E.S.T! I don't intend to suggest for a minute that I have all the answers, or that a twenty minute nap will solve all of your problems, BUT... if you can find time for a little R&R, you might find that life gets a little bit easier. So this week, this month, this season, take time to yourself. Go for a walk, read, TALK to your loved ones (and I don't mean e-mail, phone or text).

And now, I'm going to bed!

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Getting Ready for the Book Re-Launch

Well I'm undertaking my big project of the summer, the re-launch of my book "Live Life from the Heart: 52 Weeks to a Life of Passion and Purpose". The book was first released in September last year and has done quite well, but "quite well" isn't my vision. I want to get this message to as many people as possible, and so I'm doing a re-launch on July 15th.

I'm really excited about this possibilities of this re-launch idea. I have to admit that I stole it from a fellow author who did very well with the strategy, and I'm excited at where it can go. He was able to shoot his book to the top of Amazon in only a few days with the strategy. If mine works half as well it will be very exciting. If you're an author, or an internet marketer who is interested in learning more about how this works, just email me: and I'll give you the details.

Have a great day!