Saturday, September 26, 2009

Celebrate! Do it loud and do it often!

When was the last time you celebrated? I mean really enthusiastically enjoyed and rejoiced about something? If you are like most of us, it was probably a while ago. Maybe the birth of your child, your wedding, or the wedding of your child, or close friend. Or maybe it's been so long since you were really celebratory, you can't even remember when the last time was. If that's the case don't feel badly, let's just do something about it.

I read a fascinating article recently about celebration, maybe the most interesting part was, it was written by a catholic priest. We don't usually think of the clergy (especially Catholic clergy) as being pro-celebration, but what this priest pointed out to his readers is that most of us don't really even know HOW to celebrate properly. We try to celebrate, and we end up with hangovers and regrets. We try to celebrate with parties, fast cars and extreme sports, but soon discover that the "rush" doesn't last.

Does that mean that real celebration cant' be done or that we shouldn't bother? Of course not. We are meant to truly ENJOY life and if we look, there are lots of excuses to celebrate. A birthday, an anniversary, a promotion, even a beautiful fall day (today is a great one), is a great reason to celebrate; to enjoy the moment, to relish being alive! The Oscar winning film was right, Life Really IS Beautiful.

So find something to celebrate today!

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